Usage Rights Image Database Agreement
Usage Rights Agreement
Before downloading images, please note the provisions governing usage rights.
Images for use by Deutsche Messe and its subsidiaries for journalistic, official documentation and promotional purposes.
Limited Usage
All images made for download made for use also by third parties, but only for journalistic coverage of the international Deutsche Messe Group, its events and conferences stages at the Hannover Exhibiton Center by other organizations. Deutsche Messe assumes no liability that photo material is free of third party rights. Copyricht notice "Deutsche Messe" is required for all images used. Different sources, please refer to the caption.
Whenever "limited" material is published, please send a courtesy copy (or Web link) to:
Deutsche Messe
Press and Public Relations
D-30521 Hannover
Only the user is liable for the violation of the above mentioned right of use and any resulting claims.
© 2023 Deutsche Messe AG - all Rights reserved
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